Your fertility has been under attack since you were born. I don’t know about you, but I am right on the verge of turning 30, and a lot of these things that are impacting us have been causing damage, pretty much from the time I was a young kid, or from the time I was born. Much of this stuff was introduced or studies about them started to come out in the 90’s or early 2,000’s. This information has been around for a while, it’s just not been put out there in front of the general public because the powers that be don’t want it put out there because they benefit from us not knowing. Let’s dive into those 3 things.

The first thing is chemicals. If you are familiar with any of my content, you know that one thing I am passionate and careful about in my own life is keeping chemcials out of what I use. Anything that has any kind of toxin in it is not crossing the threshold and coming into my home. These include phthalates, pesticides, heavy metals, BPA, triclosan, parabens, and the list goes on. That’s the short list that will get you started in your awareness. But studies have shown that these things can cause disruption in your endocrine system, which is everything related to your hormones, and you know that tour hormones are really important to this. Phthalates, specifically, can disrupt follicle growth and increase follicle death by increasing oxidative stress in your body. Oxidative stress to your cells is like rust to a car. Never good. Things that cause that can lead to infertility. Phthalates can also cause the reserves in your ovaries to be used up faster and cut off your reproductive years earlier than it should. In other words, menopause coming on sooner. 

Some other things that people have discovered is that this is also effecting your hypothalamus, pituitary, ovaries, and uterus because your pituitary gland and hypothalamus control a lot of the release of your hormones. All of that is connected. You can’t pull them apart and separate them. Your body is one giant system. We kind of divide it up into the different systems, and while that is true, it’s all part of one giant masterpiece that God created and He didn’t mean for it it be picked apart into pieces. It does help to have those subcategories, but I think too often we forget that we are one large puzzle with pieces all effect each other. 

Some other interesting things that I found in some studies is that Triclosan specifically can affect progesterone production and ovarian functions. Both of those are very important to fertility. Progesterone is the hormone that is key to us being able to get pregnant and being able to sustain a healthy pregnancy. This is basically the protector that is creating the safe environment for your baby when they are in utero, especially in the first trimester. I know multiple women who have used natural progesterone, and did it myself, to encourage our bodies to work they way they should and be able to get pregnant and also sustain a healthy pregnancy. I have a friend who was pregnant at the same time I was with my son. She lost that baby. Months later, she came to me asking questions about the natural progesterone I used and started using that. A month or two later, she was pregnant with her second baby and now she has another child as well! Triclosan not only impacts us when we are trying to conceive, but when babies are exposed to it in utero, it can have negative impacts on their fertility in the future. The domino effects of the chemicals we are using even into the next generation are astounding. 

Triclosan has the potential of being carcinogenic, so it could cause cancer. Specifically it is connected to breast, ovarian, and prostate cancer. Obviously the first two would be in women and the last one in men. Men need healthy hormones too, especially for conception. 

The second thing that affects your fertility is xenoestrogens. These can come from chemcials; you can look up which ones are classified as xenoestrogens. They can also come from things in medication, esepcially birth control. If you are on the pill form of birth control, that’s a xenoestrogen. It’s a fake form of a hormones that’s causing your cycle not to happen the way it should. It’s muting or turning things off in your body that are natural functions. It does damage. We’ve been taugh that this this the “responsible” or “convenient” thing to do; whatever word you want to put there. I took it too. I didn’t know better when my husband and I were about to get married and people said, “if you don’t want to have a baby on your honeymoon, take this now so your body has adjusted to it.” I just did it. I really paid the piper in a lot of health issues. 

If you don’t already know my story, you can read that here. But long story short, it did a lot of damage that took me a long time to figure out and heal. I would never try to make that decision for you, but I don’t encourage anyone to use birth control of any form. I have not found one that doesn’t contain a damaging chemical or synthetic hormone. So if you were wondering my opinion on that, there is it. The reason these are so damaging is that they can go into the body and mimic the function of estrogen and we end up with estrogen dominance because our body can’t get rid of it. Estrogen dominance is mostly responsible for things like endometriosis, PCOS, and other issues like that that play a role in fertility struggles as well. 

The last thing is sugar. I have an entire blog post on this, but some of the thing it does in the endocrine system is that it can create a chemical dependence on sugar itself. If you don’t know, it’s just addictive as cocaine. It lights up the exact same centers of the brain as that drug. This is why cutting out sugar can be especially difficult for some people. It does cause an imbalance in the organs that control our hormones. This will also effect all of our hormones in turn because when one is off kilter, the rest will be as well. The reproductive system for men may respond to sugar by presenting with erectile dysfunction. Sugar also shuts down testosterone and elevates estrogen. Women have testosterone in much smaller amounts than men, but we don’t want it to elevate the estrogen. We’ve already touched on what that can do. Sugar does not do your fertility any favors.

I don’t want to leave you wondering “what can I do?” I have a 90 day fertility workbook with 11 different changes you can make in your lifestyle. You choose 3 of them and focus on them for 30 days each. I make myself available to you in monthly one on one coaching calls or simply through email as you implement these changes. This is completely free for you to grab so you are never lost or confused like I was in my fertility journey. I want to take you from point A of trying to conceive to point B of being pregnant as quickly as possible. Grab your copy of the workbook now by clicking here.


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