Kristen Jeffers

Live in Calm

Download the free pdf with my favorite techniques to help you take control of your emotions in a natural and healthy way.

Meet Kristen Jeffers

I’m Kristen! Wife to my best friend, Jared, mother to my miracle baby, James, and fur mom to 2 clingy dogs. 

My passion is empowering others to take control of their own health and wellness using natural options! If you are living with no hope I’m here to speak fresh hope into your life. I believe that mentoring others can change the health of current and future generations.

After having my miracle baby, I began to feel stressed and lonely. My mental health began to bottom out and I was in a dark place. Thanks to friends, I learned a lot and was able to arm myself with natural techniques to help that. 

I also missed contributing to our family’s finances and having a creative outlet of my own. I started offering different digital design products I created and my husband jumped in too. Now we’re both having fun producing these as an additional stream of income.

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